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Achieving perfect skin is an ongoing struggle. One minute your face is fine … and the next it’s bright red and irritated. When this happens, it often feels like there’s no rhyme or reason for your breakouts. They just appear out of nowhere!
In reality, there are lots of small things we do throughout the day that can cause our skin to get worse. From the products we use to our diet, everything adds up.
Whenever I notice my skin getting bad, I usually take it as a sign that I need to change my habits. After a detox, or routine switch up, I normally see a massive difference in the condition of my skin.
That’s why I’m sharing the steps I take to keep breakouts at bay. Keep doing these and you will begin to see changes!
Of course, there’s no miracle cure for acne. But identifying activities that are known stressors for the skin and finding ways around them is the best place to start. So, without further ado, here are my top tips for getting rid of acne…
1. Cut down on sugar and dairy
If, like me, your breakouts usually appear around your chin and jawline, the chances are you’re dealing with hormonal acne.
Unfortunately, dairy products or foods that are high in sugar tend to cause flare-ups since they raise the glycemic index and cause hormonal fluctuations.
Of course, you don’t have to cut out these foods entirely. But it’s a good idea to be mindful when eating them. I usually try to consume dairy-free substitutes when I can … although cheese is still my weakness.
2. Avoid touching your face
We touch our face so many times throughout the day that we might not even realise we’re doing it! This may seem like a harmless habit, but actually it could be the number one culprit for those pesky spots that pop up out of nowhere.
When we touch our face, whether this be with our fingers or another item e.g. our phone, we’re transferring dirt and bacteria that could potentially cause us to breakout. So it’s really important to keep our hands occupied and out of the way!
If you have a spot that can’t stop touching or squeezing, and you don’t want to make it worse, I really recommend using a pimple patch to cover it. Not only do they stop you from picking, they also treat the inflammation at the same time.
3. Gets lots of sleep
Beauty products aside, this is the number one thing that will improve your complexion. Being well rested is the key to clearer skin.
You might think beauty sleep is a myth, but actually when we sleep our body releases hormones that increase cell turnover and boost collagen production. If we don’t get enough rest then our skin is less able to repair itself and so it remains red and irritated.
Aim for 7-9 hours per night to give your skin the healing time it needs. And on that note…
4. Change your bedding
I’ve never met anyone who actually likes changing their bedding. But, if we want to get rid of our acne, it’s something that we have to get behind.
Our sheets, our pillowcases in particular, pick up a tonne of oil and sweat as we sleep. The only way to avoid subjecting our face to this night after night is to wash our bedding regularly.
It’s best to change your pillowcase at least once or twice a week. However, if your schedule doesn’t really allow this, I highly recommend investing in a silk pillowcase. These are less absorbent that traditional cotton pillowcases so they don’t tend to harbour as much bacteria.
5. Clean your makeup brushes
Leading on from my point about bedding, it’s equally important to wash your makeup brushes on a regular basis. In fact, I would probably extend this to cleaning everything that comes into contact with your face on the daily. You can never be too careful!
Like your pillowcase, makeup brushes retain so much oil and bacteria. Combine this with pore-clogging (comedogenic) makeup and it’s a recipe for disaster.
I’m definitely guilty of not washing my makeup brushes as often as I should, but 2021 is the year to change this!
RELATED READ: 7 Skincare Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making
6. Rethink your makeup products
So you’ve washed your brushes and sponges, and for some reason you’re still experiencing breakouts. It could be the makeup you’re using.
Lots of makeup products contain ingredients that can clog your pores and cause skin congestion. If your skin is particularly acne-prone, this is definitely going to make it worse.
Sometimes products are explicitly labelled as ‘non-comedogenic’. But this isn’t always the case. So, if you’re concerned about the ingredients you’re putting on your face, it’s worth checking exactly what’s in your fave products. Acne Clinic NYC has a great ingredient checker which you can access here.
7. Exercise more
Regular exercise improves circulation and increases blood flow. It also reduces the level of stress hormones in our body. All of which have a direct impact on the quality of our skin.
To ensure that our skin stays glowy and fresh after we exercise, it’s important to wash our face (or shower) as soon as we can. This removes any sweat or sebum that has been expelled, and reduces the risk of further inflammation.
8. Moisturise well
If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you may think that moisturiser is an unnecessary extra step in your routine. It’s just going to make you look even shinier as the day goes on, right?
But, what many people don’t realise is that if our skin is dehydrated it’ll compensate for this by overproducing sebum. So we need to keep it moisturised in order to control oil production.
For oily/combination skin types, opt for a lightweight, oil-free moisturiser that contains a humectant (like hyaluronic acid). This will provide hydration without feeling too thick or heavy on the skin.
RELATED READ: A Simple Skincare Routine For Dehydrated Skin
9. Limit sun exposure
While being in the sun does give our skin a temporary glow, the long term effects probably aren’t worth it. If you suffer with post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, the likelihood is that these marks will just get darker when exposed to UV rays.
To see a difference in our skin we really need to be treating both the active acne AND the marks it leaves behind.
If you do plan on going out in the sun, or even if you’re staying inside, make sure to apply a broad spectrum sunscreen to your face (and all other exposed body parts).
10. Cut back on the actives
Some people may experience skin purging when trying out new active ingredients – acids and retinoids in particular. But if these breakouts are lasting for weeks, or appearing in places you don’t normally get them, this is a sign to slow down.
Take them out of your routine to give your skin some time to recover. Once the inflammation clears, you can then slowly start to add these actives back into your skincare routine.
11. Add a retinoid to your routine
Prescription-strength retinoids are great for reducing breakouts and clearing redness. You can visit your doctor or dermatologist to see if you’re eligible to start using retinoids, or try a personalised skincare service like Dermatica or Skin+Me.
RELATED READ: A Simple Introduction To Retinoids
There you have it, 11 ways to get rid of your acne and improve your skin. Try them out and let me know how you get on!
If you’re constantly breaking out, and you don’t know why, it could be that your skin barrier is damaged. Find out how you can fix it here.
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