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As Summer ends and Autumn begins, what better time to focus on ourselves! I’ve put together the ultimate glow up checklist to help us on our way to improving not just our appearance, but our mental health too. After all, both are equally important when it comes to long-lasting self-improvement.
So, if you’re looking to glow up but have no clue where to start, this guide is for you.
Keep reading to find out which steps you can take to glow up both physically and mentally.
Disclosure: Any products followed by an asterisk (*) are gifted PR.
How to glow up your face
1. Get your skincare routine in check
Great skin always starts with a great skincare routine. If you really want that clear, glass-like complexion, here are a few simple things that can bring you one step closer…
First, you’re going to want to make sure that your moisture barrier isn’t compromised. It’s SO important to keep your skin healthy and hydrated, so healing any damage should be your number one priority. If you are noticing any sensitivity or irritation, check out this post to find out how you can repair a damaged skin barrier.
Next comes exfoliation. To clear out clogged pores and remove dead skin cells, we’re going to need to chemically exfoliate. My favourite is the Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. This does such an amazing job at decongesting the skin – I love it!
And finally, the key to bright, dewy skin: moisturising. Choose a moisturiser that’s packed full of ceramides and make sure to apply this generously morning and night. Top this off with a broad-spectrum SPF and you’re good to go!
2. Try gua sha or face rolling
Facial massages have been shown to boost circulation and relieve tension. A great way to do this, without having to rub your hands all over your face, is to use a gua sha stone or face roller.
Take an oil of your choice and pat it into the skin. Then you’re going to take your tool and sweep it (in an upwards direction) along your cheekbones, under your jaw and around your eyes.
Of course, I’m nowhere near an expert in this practice, so see here for a more detailed description of how to use a gua sha.
RELATED READ: The Best Face Oils For Gua Sha
3. Neaten up your brows
An easy fix with some tweezers to just tidy things up a little, or you can opt for waxing, threading, or even microblading! I usually get mine threaded, but whatever you decide, get those brows in shape!
4. Give dermaplaning a go (optional)
My hair is pretty fair so, I must admit, I don’t do this step often. But whenever I do I definitely notice a difference in how my skin feels and how my makeup applies afterwards. Dermaplaning really makes your face look and feel so clear and soft!
If you’re not comfortable with this or aren’t too fussed about peach fuzz (after all it’s perfectly natural!!), feel free to skip this step.
5. Look after your lashes
While there’s no scientific proof that castor oil makes eyelashes grow longer or faster, the fatty acids in this oil are key to keeping your lashes moisturised. Coating them in oil stops them shedding as much and therefore makes them look fuller and thicker.
I like to apply a tiny bit of castor oil to my lashes and eyebrows at night. This leaves them feeling soft and nourished in the morning.
6. Don’t forget your lips
Our lips are the most forgotten part of our skincare routine and they’re just as important as our skin!
To keep mine soft and moisturised I like to take a scrub – the Barry M lip scrubs are great – and gently massage it in. I don’t do this every night, just once every week or every two weeks.
Then I’ll use the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask as an overnight treatment. This stuff is amazing! If you’re going to buy one product for your lips, make it this one!
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How to glow up your hair
1. Schedule a haircut
Haircuts can be pricy and it might often seem like your hair is doing fine without one. But, trust me, even if you’re only snipping the ends, you’ll notice such a difference in the condition and quality.
In order for your hair to stay strong and healthy, you should be getting a trim regularly. So, don’t be afraid to book in with your hairdresser, your hair will thank you!
2. Try a deep-conditioning treatment
I get super lazy when it comes to my hair care routine. Shampoo, conditioner and a serum is usually standard. But sometimes I’ll throw a mask or deep-conditioning treatment in there to really add some moisture and elasticity back into my locks.
Make sure to add a treatment to your glow up checklist to keep your hair looking (and feeling) its best!
RELATED READ: The Best Products For Bleached, Damaged Hair
3. Take care of your scalp
I used to think that as long as the ends of my hair were soft and shiny this meant my hair was healthy overall. What I didn’t know is that your scalp needs just as much care as the rest of your hair – if not more!
The Amika Pink Charcoal Scalp Cleansing Oil is an amazing product to use if you’re looking to ‘reset’ your scalp and remove buildup.
I also recommend the Naturelab Tokyo Perfect Shine Clarifying Scalp Scrub which is designed to ‘support healthy hair growth from the source’.
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How to glow up your body
1. Correct your posture
We’re all guilty of slouching a little. But our posture plays a massive part in how confident we feel in ourselves and, to some extent, how others perceive us.
Good posture also comes with a whole host of health benefits like fewer back and neck issues, improved blood flow and better digestion. So try focusing on some stretches or poses that will realign your body, it’ll make the world of difference!
2. Exfoliate
Unlike the skin on your face, your body can deal with regular manual exfoliation. So don’t be afraid to use a dry brush or exfoliating mitt to really slough off those dead skin cells.
At the moment I’ve been using the Get Scrubbed Coffee Avena Scrub* to exfoliate my body and I’m loving it. It’s a little less coarse than traditional body scrubs so it doesn’t irritate my skin as much. It also smells diviiiine. If you’re into coffee, you’re going to love this!
3. Shave/wax/epilate (optional)
As with dermaplaning, this step is completely optional. If you’re one of those people that feels better with shaved legs then go right ahead. Equally, if you prefer not to shave or wax then don’t feel like you have to. Do whatever makes you comfortable!
4. Lock in that moisture
I’ve only recently committed to moisturising my body every time I get out of the shower. If I was in a rush I’d completely skip this step … then later wonder why my skin looked so dull and dry.
If you want your skin to look soft and glowy all the time, you CANNOT leave this step off your glow up checklist!
5. Top up your tan (optional)
If you want a natural summer glow, but don’t like the idea of exposing yourself to the sun, self tan is the next best thing.
I don’t tend to go for mousses or foams – I’m far too scared that I’ll miss a spot and it’ll turn out patchy. However, tanning drops have completely changed the game – especially the Isle of Paradise Self-Tanning Drops. They make it so easy to achieve a really natural, even glow. I highly recommend them!
You can read my full review of the Isle of Paradise Self-Tanning Drops here.
6. Get active
Let me preface this by saying you DO NOT need to lose weight to tick this one off your glow up checklist!! Simply toning up and stretching your muscles is enough to make you feel more energised and less sluggish.
And guess what … you don’t even have to go to a gym to complete this step. There are loads of exercises you can do from the comfort of your own bedroom.
Check out these 7 Super Simple Ways To Work Out At Home for more inspo.
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How to glow up your hands and feet
1. Refresh your nails
No glow up checklist would be complete without a manicure/pedicure. If you’re not a big fan of nail polish you don’t even need to paint your nails, but giving them a trim and shaping them is a must.
If your nails are looked after you’ll instantly look more put together, so make sure to take some time out to do this!
2. Moisturise, moisturise, moisturise
Your hands are one of the first places to show signs of ageing so it’s super important to keep them hydrated. The same goes for your feet – you want to keep these looking as soft and smooth as possible so don’t forget to moisturise them regularly too!
RELATED READ: A Step-by-Step Guide To Soft, Pretty Feet
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How to glow up your makeup routine
1. Throw out expired products
It’s SO difficult to part with makeup – especially if you’re chucking out products you’ve spent a lot of money on. But if they’re out of date then they’re probably doing more harm than good. So now is the perfect opportunity to have a proper spring clean and refresh your collection.
I find it helpful to keep track of when I’ve bought/opened things so I know when they’re no longer good to use. Even just writing the date in Sharpie on your foundation or sunscreen bottle will give you some indication of when it’s time to get rid of it.
2. Find your shade
We’ve all been there. The foundation or concealer you’ve just bought isn’t quite a match. Or the blush that you’re trying out doesn’t suit your undertones. Don’t feel like you need to settle!!
Figure out which colours fit you best and tailor your makeup routine around them. There are loads of apps that allow you to virtually try on makeup. This is a great way to play around with different makeup looks without actually committing to buying anything!
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How to glow up your wardrobe
1. Get rid of old, unwanted clothes
Do you have a ton of clothes that you no longer wear? Are they all tucked away at the back of your wardrobe or chest of drawers? If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, this is your sign to sort through your wardrobe and start fresh.
It’s by no means necessary to get rid of everything! But if you have clothes that you know you’re not going to wear again, and that can find a better home somewhere else, definitely consider donating them.
RELATED READ: How To Responsibly Get Rid Of Your Unwanted Clothes
2. Invest in a few key pieces
Following on from the last point, try to think carefully about the clothes you need and the clothes you don’t. Instead of buying into trends, invest in a few staples that you can swap in and out each season. Not only will this make it easier to put together outfits, it’ll also mean you’ll be making the most of your money. No one wants to splash out on things that they’ll never wear!
3. Clean up your shoes
If you’re anything like me, you probably have a pair (or multiple pairs) of trainers that you’re 🤏← this close to throwing out. Shoes are the fashion item that gets worn the most so it makes sense that they’ll get dirty pretty quickly – especially if they’re white.
However, don’t throw them in the bin just yet, there’s still a chance to bring some life back into them! Check out this article to find out how you can do it.
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How to glow up your mindset
1. Build a self-care routine
The best way to make changes that will positively affect your mental health is to create some sort of routine or structure. Random acts of self-care are beneficial too, but if you can make these actions a daily or weekly thing, this is when you’re going to really feel their impact.
Check out the 15 Self-Care Rituals That You Need To Start Today for a few tips on how you can incorporate self-care activities into your everyday routine.
2. Get organised
Nothing puts your mind at ease like the feeling of having your life completely in order. Even small things like meal planning and decluttering your handbag can make you feel like you have everything together.
RELATED READ: How To Organise Your Life And Become Way More Productive
3. Set new goals
Our goals have a massive impact on how we approach life. Too small and we have little motivation to meet these targets, too big and we feel defeated before we even start. Try revisiting your goals and adapting them to fit you at each stage of your life.
Perhaps you feel like you need more time to achieve certain things or perhaps you just need to make your goals more measurable. Whatever it is, your life goals aren’t unchangeable. Feel free to shuffle them around every once in a while!
I hope this glow up checklist has been helpful and informative. Let me know in the comments if there’s anything this list is missing.
And don’t feel any pressure to follow each and every one of these steps, they’re just there as pointers not concrete rules! Do what you can, and do what makes you comfortable and happy!
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