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The craziness of 2020 has made us appreciate our home comforts now more than ever. We’re inside 90% of the time so it makes sense that we’ve come to rely on little things in our surroundings to bring us joy. But it’s not just our homes that we should be taking care of. If this last year has taught us anything, it’s that we need to be a little kinder to ourselves and focus more of our energy on our mental well-being.
It’s not always easy to make a plan of action or suddenly change our habits. So here are 15 self-care rituals that you can gradually add into your daily routine in order to perk yourself up a bit.
1. Stretch
Our muscles tighten while we sleep which can often leave us feeling stiff and uncomfortable in the morning. By doing gentle exercise when we get up, we’re releasing the tension that our body has accumulated overnight and increasing our blood flow.
This activity shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes and, best of all, many of these stretches can be done in bed. There are tonnes of videos on YouTube demonstrating simple but effective ways to jump-start our day – here is one of my faves!
2. Make a to-do list
I find it hard to remember which tasks I need to do if I don’t write them down somewhere. So grab a pen and some paper, gather all your intentions for the day and make a list. These goals don’t need to be anything big or official. I’ll often jot down things like ‘wash makeup brushes’ or ‘make bed’ because it makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something when I get to tick them off.
3. Learn something new
I like to keep myself motivated by trying out something different and expanding my mind. During last year’s lockdown the only thing keeping me sane was finding activities that made me feel excited or like I was challenging myself.
I love learning languages so I’ve made it my mission to memorise 5 new words or phrases a day. If this isn’t your thing, you could always pick up a new skill like sewing or cooking. There are so many options!
4. Listen to a podcast
Sitting down to watch TV isn’t always the most practical (or time efficient) when you’ve got 153094 other things you know you should be doing. That’s where podcasts come in. I always put one on when I’m cleaning or cooking as it allows me to multitask and give my eyes a well-needed break from staring at a screen.
Check out my favourite beauty podcasts for some inspo!
5. Declutter your living space
I don’t know about you, but when my home is cluttered, my mind feels cluttered too. Taking just fifteen minutes out of my day to tidy things away, or organise a drawer or two, makes me feel like I’ve actually got my life in order.
There is something so therapeutic about cleaning and organising. I always put it off, but once it’s done I feel so much better. I mean, there is no bigger accomplishment than having a wardrobe or chest of drawers that Marie Kondo herself would be proud of.
6. Indulge in something tasty
It’s important to give yourself little treats to look forward to during the day. This could be as simple as a cup of coffee in the morning or a new recipe that you’ve been dying to try out for lunch. These don’t necessarily have to be unhealthy drinks or meals, just things that will perk you up and allow you to really appreciate what you’re consuming.
7. Enjoy a pamper session
This is my go-to when I’m feeling a bit low. I love a good face mask or an at-home manicure. Not only does it force me to take a break from my phone/computer, it also gives me time to focus solely on myself. If you’re confident with the way you look on the outside, this will definitely transfer to the way you feel on the inside. So make sure that you take a moment to look after yourself, it’s the best way to give yourself an instant confidence boost.
Take a look at my Glow Up Checklist if you’re in need of some pamper sesh ideas.
8. Write a gratitude list
Before I go to bed, I like to write down a couple of things I was grateful for that day. The evening is when I tend to stress or worry most so I find that doing this at night helps me put things in perspective and sleep a little easier.
I recently discovered ‘gratitude jars’ on Pinterest and I think these are a great idea too! You just write what you’re thankful for on a slip of paper, put it into the jar and then whenever you’re having a bad day you can pull one out.
9. Call up a friend
If you’re living alone, this is a massive one! Due to the current circumstances, it’s not always possible to speak to someone face-to-face. You might go days without any human interaction which can really take a toll on your mental health. By checking in with a friend you’re not only making yourself feel better, but you could be unknowingly brightening up their day too!
10. Do a digital detox
Social media is an integral part of our lives nowadays. But it’s also a massive cause of self-doubt and comparison. Taking time away from your phone might feel strange at first, but I promise that you’ll actually start to enjoy the freedom after a while!
I try to wait an hour before checking my phone in the morning and this has absolutely changed my life. Instead of scrolling aimlessly, I can be productive and do things I would have otherwise put off.
11. Read a good book
Stuck trying to find other activities to do during your digital detox… why not read a book? Reading is a great way to stimulate your mind and provide an alternative source of entertainment. There’s a genre for everyone – whether it’s romance, scifi, fantasy or even self-help – so there’s no excuse not to try this one out!
12. Dress up
It’s nice to have a pyjama day every now and again, but when you’re constantly lounging around in the same clothes that feeling will soon wear off. Decide on a couple of days during the week when you’ll put on your favourite outfit, do your makeup and style your hair (even if you have nowhere to go). I’m telling you you’ll feel so much better for it!
13. Meditate
I like to reserve about 5-10 minutes of my evening for a pre-bed meditation session. I find that I sleep infinitely better if I have given myself time to wind down after a busy day.
There are loads of guided meditation compilations on YouTube which are really great for this. I also really like the Meditopia app since you can tailor it to a specific need or emotional state. It gives you suggestions based on how you’re feeling at that exact moment in time.
14. Get some fresh air
If you’ve been cooped up in the house all day, it’s a brilliant idea to step outside and explore your surroundings a little. You don’t have to walk far, even a quick foray into the garden is better than nothing. It really helps to take a few deep breaths and enjoy the sounds of nature before getting on with the rest of your day.
15. Stay hydrated
Drinking water is super important for our overall body health. It aids our digestive processes, boosts our energy levels and keeps our skin in check. If you’re wondering why you’re feeling down or sluggish, it could be that your water intake is too low.
The recommended daily amount is 2L, but if you’re not used to drinking so much I would suggest building up to this. Drink a bit more each day and you’ll be chugging those eight glasses in no time.
Which of these self-care rituals are you going to try?
And, if you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out these other self-care Sunday activities you can do to prepare for the week ahead.
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